Friday, October 31, 2008

Ren Faire this weekend!

Tomorrow we are waking up at an ungodly hour and driving 45 min to our friends' house, and then joining up with them to drive 2.5 hours to where the Ren Faire is, to be there at 9 am when it opens. You know I really want to go somewhere if I agree to wake up at 5 am to go.

It should be so much fun!

It was cold last weekend, for Texas, it got below 70! Like to 65! It was so cold I turned the heat on and put the flannel sheets on the bed. Mmm flannel. They do make it much harder to leave the bed in the morning though, and the Kitten agrees.

But of course it didn't last, and it's back up to 70 today. But it's bright and clear and sunny and breezy and not too hot, and hopefully tomorrow will be the same. And I'll actually get to spend more than 5 minutes outside!

I've been working as many hours as I can to save up time for Christmas, so I haven't really gotten to go outside very much.

And today is Halloween! I think we're going to celebrate by going to bed early. We don't get trick-or-treaters at the apartment, unfortunately.

Happy Halloween anyway!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

No Ren Faire this weekend either

So I just found out that I won't be going to Ren Faire this weekend either, and possibly not ever. I thought this weekend was Pirate Weekend, and Boyfriend and I really wanted to go. But for some odd reason, the Ren Faire people chose to have Pirate Weekend on Halloween weekend, and Halloween Weekend the week before Halloween. Neither of had a burning desire to go to Halloween Weekend (especially the weekend before Halloween) and our friends can't go this weekend.

They want to go next weekend, but I have to go to the periodontist tomorrow so he can tell me when he do the graft (I started writing out what that actually entailed, but I got nauseous and dizzy and had to sit with my head down for a minute). I want to do it on a Thursday or Friday so I can take the weekend off to recuperate and feel sorry for myself, but I can't push it too far back because I'd like to be able to talk by the time we go up to the wedding in November. So next weekend was pretty high on my list of when to get it done.

Stupid Ren Faire. I also made Boyfriend cancel some other plans because I thought we were going this weekend, and that's at least the second time I've done that, so I don't think he's very happy. Stupid Faire, stupid lack of gum tissue, stupid lack of memory. Stupid lack of sleep and lack of time to go home and nap.

No sleep for me

Last night I mostly just chilled at home, and went to bed with a book around 11:30. I didn't intend to read that long, but the book was really good (Last Argument of Kings) so I didn't end up turning out the light until about 1:30. The Kitten was curled up next to me and we were drifting off when suddenly there was a Noise. It was a scritching sort of noise that sounded like it came from close to my window, and the Kitten meeped and jumped over me to check it out. I didn't hear it again, but it was exactly the sort of noise a giant (shudder) cockroach would make if it was walking across the wall, I thought.

I grabbed my glasses and turned on the light, but I didn't see anything. The Kitten was still staring fixedly at the wall above my bed, however, her pupils dilated. Maybe from the light, maybe from her predatory instinct to hunt and kill whatever hideous monster we'd heard.

I regretted then having so many things hanging from my walls, all providing spaces for things to hide from the light. I looked (very bravely) behind the wall hanging and curtains, shook out the pillows, even moved the blinds.


But the Kitten was still staring at the wall. I tried staring at the wall for a while,
but nothing suddenly leaped into view the way it does after you stare at a 3D hidden picture long enough. Which is good, because no one should ever make a hidden picture of a giant cockroach 2 feet away from where you were trying to sleep 2 minutes ago.

I debated sleeping on the couch, but was determined not to give in. If I gave the cockroach my bed, it would want my bedroom, and then my bathroom, and then my whole apartment, and then maybe my whole life! Hopefully someone would notice if a giant cockroach came into work one day instead of me, and didn't just think I was trapped in Kafka's head.

So I turned out the light and tried to sleep, but the Kitten was still fascinated by the wall. For the next hour. It made sleeping a bit difficult, so I didn't get very much last night.

I've heard cockroaches don't like the smell of bay leaves, and they don't seem to be poisonous to cats, so I may recarpet my apartment in them.

It could be worse, I guess, I could be living in Papua New Guinea. No, on second thought, I would never live there ever ever ever.

Friday, October 17, 2008

House Season 4 and yay Friday!

We finished watching season 4 of House last night, and I think I could have stopped at season 3. It was an odd season, they got rid of half the characters, but not really, and brought in a whole bunch of new ones and slowly whittled them down til they had almost exactly the same distribution as before. House's doctors went from a cute white woman, a black man and an ethnic white man (Australian) to a cute white woman, an Indian man and an ethnic white man (Jewish).

Last night we watched the last two episode, a two-parter which ended extremely, unnecessarily sadly. It seemed like the writers just wanted to make me cry as much as they could. Luckily my boyfriend didn't mind me sobbing all over his chest over a TV show.

I really like the character House, and the show has been really interesting, but I'm definitely not as motivated to go watch the 5th season now. It could be worse, I guess, they could have ended the season after the first half of the two-parter, as Boyfriend pointed out, but the writers may have been afraid for their lives if they did that.

But it's Friday now, which is awesome! Tonight I'm going to make a Joseph's Trifle to bring to a woman I work with's son's first birthday party tomorrow. Tomorrow we have the party and we may go to a soccer game with some of Boyfriend's coworkers afterwards. Sunday I will be back at work (sigh) making up more comp hours for Christmas. Somewhere in there I'll try to find time to sleep and snuggle with the Kitten.

It's finally cooling off here too, it almost feels like fall! Except without the leaves changing colors or the clear October sky or the crisp feeling in the air like you get in a real state. The humidity is still 90%, but the temperature is down to like 70! I take what I can get.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A morning with the dentist

So I went for my semi-annual teeth cleaning this morning, and I have no cavities! Yay! All that brushing and flossing is working! Except as the hygenist was poking around with her little metal pick, she poked a sensitive spot and said that my gum is receding from one of my teeth in one spot. She had the dentist look come and look at it, and as soon as he saw it he told me I need a graft. I asked what caused it, and he said it might be a reaction to the braces I had taken off a year ago.

So, ick ick ick! I can't even think about what a graft entails. I'm just going to demand to be unconscious for as much of it as I can, including the entire healing process. Just wake me up next spring, really, I'll be fine.

I mean, it's not like I have a lot of extra gum tissue just lying around, where is it going to come from I don't even want to know don't tell me la la la .

And it's not like I can even ask for that much sympathy, my poor mother has had a root canal, a tooth break off at the gum line and two crowns put on this year.

I hate dental work. Although I like having teeth.