So between the s'mores, beer and vodka I was perfectly comfortable going to sleep in the tent, well, until the wind picked up anyway. Just as I fell asleep the tent, which had been flappity all night long, got suddenly much more flappity. And then tent walls were touching me in ways in which I was frankly uncomfortable with. So I had to wake Ben up and tell him the tent had come unstaked, and then try to hold it down from the inside while he he restaked it! And that totally didn't work, so we emptied the tent, shoved it in the trunk, and tried to sleep in my car. Which also totally didn't work. So we woke up our friends and told them we were going home, and since their tents looked like they wouldn't last much longer they packed up too. We got home at 3:30 am, took quick showers, and crashed. Woke up the next day, made the terrible mistake of going to Cracker Barrel on Mother's Day because my hangover cure involves lots of biscuits, and came home and crashed for several more hours.
So it was a fun night except for the wind! We need to go out to New Braunfels for camping, but I'm not sure we'll have time before the wedding. The next several weekends are already booked with various birthday and graduation parties, too.
Monday I sent out the last of my wedding invites! I am so excited! I've gotten one rsvp back so far, though it was a no and it was hand-delivered by someone I work with, so it only mostly counts. 45 days til the wedding! I'm pretty proud of the invites, too. I ordered blank pocketfolds and we designed and printed the invites ourselves. We got additional paper from Staples and I cut and printed the inserts, and then I hand-addressed them. I hated to mess up my lovely invites with my 5-year-old boy handwriting (it's gotten worse over the years, I never hand-write anything!), so I got a spiffy calligraphy pen and did my best attempt at calligraphifing them. I'm soo glad they're done and I hope people like them!
Obligatory pics: