We flew up Thursday night and hung out in the airport in Philly for 3 hours waiting for Ben's best friend and our best man Kyle to get in, and so got to my parents' at about 11:30. Ben's mom had flown in from Nebraska a few days before, so it was nice to see everyone, and it felt like a sleepover party!
Friday morning my sisters and I got our hair and makeup trials, and both Emily and Kristen did awesome jobs! We all looked gorgeous, which was good, because Ben and I were getting our engagement pictures done that afternoon, as soon as he got back from driving an hour and a half each way to the tux shop his cousin recommended.
We took the train into Philly and Kyle and Ben's mom walked around while Ben and I met our photographer, Isabel March. She was actually one of the first vendors we picked, recommended to us by the coordinator at the Lambertville Inn, Melle, and we both fell in love with her pictures on her blog. Having awesome pictures of the wedding is really important to us, I want to look at them for the rest of our lives!
Here are a few from this weekend. This is Ben being pensive, though I love his little smile:

Ben said he set that one as his background and has gotten lots of compliments on it already!

So awesome! They make me smile every time I see them :) I can't wait to see the whole set!
My hair amuses me. I'll have to get the pics we took right after the trial from my mom, I started out with lots of curls but after I got changed and walked around in windy Philly, all the curls coalesced into a 2 or 3 megacurls.
So after canoodling around Philly, we ate delicious cupcakes from Reading Terminal Market, which had icing piped into the middle of them umm so good, picked up Kyle and Ben's mama Polly and went back to my parents' house just in time for my Grandmother and niece's joint birthday party! Family parties are fun, it was nice to be able to see everyone and introduce Polly and Kyle to them, so they'll have met them before the wedding.
Saturday was the wedding shower! It was at a beautiful golf course and everyone seemed to have a nice time. We got very nice and generous gifts and wore silly ribbon hats and managed to talk to everyone there twice. I can understand better now why people seem a bit dazed on their wedding days, I get nervous being the center of attention after not long at all, and there was less than a third of the people who will be at the wedding there! I'll have to get some pics from my mom of this too, although there were some on facebook by the time we got home :)
We napped that afternoon, then had cheesesteaks and panzarottis for dinner. We went and got water ice and ate it in the car with the heat on, since it was about 40 degrees out! I love that there was still a line for it though. Then we went to a birthday party for a friend of mine and drank YuengLing, the beer of choice in Jersey.
Sunday we got up early yet again and drove up to Lambertville and tasted the food for the reception and the cake. We made good choices, I think :)
We were home again Sunday night. The Kitten watched the Discovery channel with us, she is so odd. She ignores the tv most of the time, but for some reason Life caught her attention. I told her I would record the Fish episode of it for her, but it was bedtime for Kittens and Mandas.
Yay! I'm so glad you guys like them!