Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm not studying La la la la la

That is my theme song for today. There's a dance that goes with it, but it's harder than you'd think to type in dance.

So, in the interest of putting life in order, (and avoiding studying) I've decided to start a list of Things I Have Not Yet Done That I Would Be Sad If I Died Without Doing.
  • Go to a strip club. The women are all about going, it's the men you have to drag along! Seems like it may happen, but not for at least a month or so. In work, at any rate.
  • Get a MS in physics. Also in work, as you may be able to tell by the lack of studying. As soon as I finish this damned final I will have all of my core classes complete and can start taking the fun classes :) Next up, Stellar Structure and Evolution! That's right, I get to take a class in how stars shine, how cool is that?! Man, there is nothing else that fills my stomach with this pull for knowledge, this pure amazement that we know anything about it, and this burning desire to learn more, than astrophysics. How can anything we worry about here matter when there are stars exploding into huge clouds of raw elements, and those clouds of elements are coalescing into more stars, brilliant beautiful new stars, out there? Ok, sorry, I'll calm down now.
  • See icebergs on an Alaskan cruise. In work by my mama. Seems like it will happen sometime in 2009 now?
  • Travel! Everywhere! Italy, land of half my forefathers! England (tea!), Ireland (countryside), Switzerland (chocolate!), Austria, Australia (reefs! kangaroos! koalas!), Egypt (pyramids!!), Norway (fjords!), Japan (sushi!), the Arctic,.. I want to see everything! No concrete plans for any of these places in work at the moment, unfortunately. I am going to New Jersey for Christmas though, which has the benefit of, for now at least, containing mea familia!
  • Bear and raise children. This is actually a fairly new addition to the list, and I'm still getting used to thinking about it. Very shortly after I turned 26, I woke up one day and my body said, I would like to be pregnant now, ok? My mind said, "No! Stop that!" Sigh. It's very difficult to fight with yourself. Plus my niece and nephew are insanely adorable. So I think, maybe in a few years, I might give in. Which kind of turns my world upside down, I'll have you know! It means I should probably
  • Get married. Which I was not particularly planning on! And I am unsure if it will help or hurt my goal of
  • Having more sex. Lots of it. It is even better than astrophysics most days. This is more of a general lifetime theme than a specific goal, I guess. People seem to take it too seriously, a lot of times. It's fun, relaxing, and good for you. It's like a walk on a beach, but with a happier ending! Several happier endings, if you're lucky ;)
  • Ride in a hot air balloon. Looks like fun, only slight risk of fiery death!
  • Scuba dive in Australia. Giant reefs! Higher risk of death. (Poor Steve, he was funny.)
  • Live in space. When I was younger I wrote a poem called, "When I am an old woman I will live in space." It went something like, "When I am an old woman I will live in space. I will have a window overlooking Earth, but I won't visit because I think the gravity is too strong. I will never worry about falling down. I will never sleep on my arms funny and wake up with pins and needles. I will be happy there." Ok I made that last half up, I don't remember how it went.
  • Sleep. This is more of a specific, right-now goal, but also a lifetime one. I do like to sleep, especially with the kitten keeping me company and sitting on me to make sure I don't float away.


  1. You most definitely do NOT need to get married to have a kid. Is it ideal? Yeah, for some people. For me, the 50%/50% split-custody arrangement is about the greatest thing since diet soda and the iPod put together (well, not literally: that would be catastrophic. I know, because Jake has tried). You just need to marry a guy with good genetic stock, one who would be capable of caring for a baby without breaking it or trading it for a bag of Tostitos. Breed with him, divorce him, reap the benefits (including - in my case, at least - MUCH more sex than when I was married. Mr. Awesome and I managed an awe-inspiring six times in 24 hours recently, WITH TWO SMALL CHILDREN LURKING FOR MUCH OF THAT TIME PERIOD). I should patent this!

  2. not studying is awesome. Much more awesome than studying (hence the reason I'm not going to be "Dr. Deedee" anytime soon).

    When you make plans to travel to Egypt, count me in :-) I have several places I'll want to stop, though, that might not be on the standard touristy tour thing. :-)

    I'm totally with you on the kids thing. my biological clock is running, like, double time or something (but don't tell my mom).

    And from the other side of the married fence, so to speak, I don't think it necessarily means less sex. Two opposing work/sleep/eating schedules, housework that always needs doing, and other random hobbies/things that take up time... that means less sex. But there are generally ways to work around that.

    In the end, being married is kind of like any long-term relationship, except you get to wear a ring, and it costs a lot of money to break up.

  3. I don't think that getting married or having kids will greatly reduce sex, any more than any other long term relationship.

    However, I have to disagree with the marriage/kids opinion above. What kind of parent only wants 50% of a kid? Kids aren't dogs. They need more than half a mom and half a dad. Sure, people do it all the time nowadays. But... look at where our society is headed. Now, do I think strong family values will fix all of that? ... no. just 90% of it.

    sorry, I hate starting arguments on other people's blogs. :) I just have very strong opinions on that particular matter.
